New Zealand: Rainbow communities human rights report targets six failures

Omissions in the Human Rights Act and lack of official data is preventing access to basic rights for many in rainbow communities, a Human Rights Commisssion report has found.

The Prism report analyses the results of hui with people of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics, and makes recommendations to policymakers.

It identified six human rights that needed addressing for people of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics.

They are:

  • The right to freedom from discrimination

  • The right to information

  • The right to recognition before the law

  • The right to the highest attainable level of health

  • The right to education

  • The right to work

"It is not common for these rights to be discussed with explicit regard to people with a diverse sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or sex characteristics. These rights are enshrined in international covenants, conventions, and declarations," the report said.

"All people, including SOGIESC diverse people, are entitled to the full enjoyment of these rights."

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