Call for submissions: Women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights in situations of crisis


31 August 2020

Issued by:

Working Group on discrimination against women and girls


To present a thematic report on women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in situations of crisis to the 47th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2021.


The Working Group on discrimination against women and girls will present a thematic report on women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in situations of crisis to the 47th session of the Human Rights Council in June 2021. The report will examine women’s and girls’ SRHR within an overarching framework of reasserting gender equality and countering roll-backs.

The Working Group will take a broad approach to crisis. In doing so, it intends not only to look at humanitarian crises, typically understood as encompassing international and non-international conflicts and occupied territories, natural disasters, man-made disasters, famine and pandemics, but it will also examine long-standing situations of crisis resulting from structural discrimination deeply embedded in histories of patriarchy, colonization, conquest and marginalization (such as in the case, for example, of indigenous women, Roma women and women of African descent), as well as other types of crisis based on the lived experiences of women, such as those induced by environmental factors, including the toxification of the planet, land grabbing, political, social and economic crises, including the impact of austerity measures, refugee and migrant crises, displacement crises, and gang-related violence, among others. The Working Group will examine how existing laws, policies, and practices can contribute to negative reproductive health outcomes for women and girls in situations of crisis and restrictions on their autonomy during their life-cycle, using an intersectional approach.

In order to inform the preparation of this report and in line with its mandate to maintain a constructive dialogue with States and other stakeholders to address discrimination against women and girls, the Working Group would like to seek inputs from all stakeholders. Submissions should be sent by 31 August 2020 to [email protected] and will be made public on the Working Group's web page, unless otherwise requested. The Working Group is particularly interested in receiving information about challenges faced in ensuring that women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive rights are respected, protected and fulfilled in times of crisis, and are adequately prioritized, as well as examples of good practices.

See more via OHCHR