Global Equality Caucus x Google Digital Events

The Global Equality Caucus is to team up with Google in a new partnership to deliver a series of digital events focusing on the challenges facing LGBT+ people across the world.

The six events will each have a regional focus, and will bring together legislators, civil society representatives and members of the public for a live discussion about the shared issues and barriers that are affecting LGBT+ people in their region.

With the assistance of Google we will be able to connect members of the community with parliamentarians in a panel discussion and Q&A, so that key challenges can be identified and taken by legislators directly to governments and parliaments to advocate for change.

Our first event, to be held in early November, will focus on the Oceania region of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands. We are currently consulting on which equality issues to raise with legislators in the region and we will provide further details about the event, including on how to participate and how to watch live, in due course.

If you are a full member of the Global Equality Caucus, you will soon receive an additional e-mail regarding the upcoming events with details on how we wish to engage with you further.

In the meantime, if you are a politician or civil society representative in the Oceania region and we have not reached out to you already, please feel free to contact our Director Alan Wardle at [email protected].

See more at Global Equality Caucus