Serbia: Dušan Kaličanin in the campaign for the rights of LGBT + workers

IDEAS Research and Development Center and Gay Lesbian Info Center in cooperation with popular TV and theater actor and professional ballet dancer Dušan Kaličanin created a short video of humorous character, but with the important message that human rights violations against LGBT + people are unacceptable in all segments of life , even in the labor market. The video is intended for posting on social networks and friendly media. Dušan Kaličanin invites LGBT + people who, due to their sexual orientation or gender identity, have problems at work to contact us in order to receive legal advice.

A survey conducted by these two organizations shows that as many as 93% of LGBT + workers believe that protection mechanisms against discrimination in Serbia are not sufficiently developed to protect them from discrimination at work. As many as 53% of respondents believe that companies do not sanction abuse and discrimination of LGBT + workers at all, 19% believe that work is being done to some extent to include LGBTI + employees, and only 12% state that companies are actively working on inclusion. Another problem faced by LGBT + people, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, is difficult access to the labor market, while the main existential risk is job loss given that a large number of LGBT + people work in the informal sector or on temporary contracts.

In order to help LGBT + people to combat discrimination and abuse on the labor market, the portal was launched, which aims to facilitate the availability of information to citizens about what discrimination is and how to recognize it in the field of labor and employment. Because discrimination and abuse are rarely reported to authorities for fear of further victimization and loss of livelihood, IDEAS and the Gay and Lesbian Info Center provide direct support to LGBT + people in need of counseling or free legal aid for discrimination or abuse. they feel that their company does not treat all employees equally. Read more via Gayecho