
How can social media and communications technologies be better harnessed to increase uptake of HIV testing among key populations?

Amfar We asked four experts who work with people at high risk for HIV in Asia how new technologies can best link them to testing and care.

UK: LGBT tech workers to gather at Facebook to ‘MakeStuffBetter’

InterTech, the UK-based LGBT network for those who work in the tech industries, have announced that its next event will be a #MakeStuffBetter Holiday Hackathon at the offices of Facebook in Euston, London.

The 24-hour event will run from on Saturday 12 December. They’re wanting tech workers who can aid in the creation of products that may spread tolerance, promote health or create awareness.

Previous hackathons have led to the creation of the LGBT Whip, a website that allows you to check on the voting record of MPs, and online, stereotype-questioning game Hansel in DistressRead more via Gay Star News