Business and Technology

Google drops LGBT+ 'conversion therapy' app after outcry

Google has removed an app that advised people on “recovery from same-sex attraction” from its download store after one of the United States’ top LGBT+ charities suspended the tech company from a gay and transgender rights ranking.

U.S. security at risk, Chinese firm seeks to sell Grindr dating app

Chinese gaming company Beijing Kunlun Tech Co Ltd is seeking to sell Grindr LLC, the popular gay dating app it has owned since 2016, after a U.S. government national security panel raised concerns about its ownership, according to people familiar with the matter.

US: Campaign Urges DAF Providers Not to Give to Hate Groups

Twenty-five foundations and other philanthropic entities on Tuesday issued a call to urge organizations that house donor-advised funds to enact policies that prevent donors from earmarking grants to nonprofits that are considered hate groups and to urge supporters to demand that their DAF providers adopt such policies.

US: America’s Biggest Christian Charity Funnels Tens of Millions to Hate Groups

The National Christian Foundation passed along $56 million from anonymous individuals to nearly two dozen anti-LGBT and anti-Muslim hate groups over the last three years on record.

Malaysia: LGBTQ+ Malaysians Exist, Whether Their Government Accepts That or Not

Despite news reports, it’s unclear what Tourism Minister Mohammadin Ketapi actually said about LGBTQ+ people at a recent event in Berlin.