Fear and Loathing

US: Sexual Orientation Change Efforts, Adverse Childhood Experiences, and Suicide Ideation and Attempt Among Sexual Minority Adults

LGB people who underwent conversion therapy were nearly twice as likely to think about and attempt suicide compared to their peers.

How globalisation has transformed the fight for LGBTQ+ rights

Much progress has been made in attitudes towards sexual equality and gender identity – but in many places a dramatic backlash by conservative forces has followed.

El Salvador: Coronavirus lockdown leaves LGBTQ Salvadorans even more vulnerable

In the months since the coronavirus pandemic began in China, it has affected the whole world and El Salvador is no exception. Apart from not acquiring this virus and taking necessary sanitation measures, there are also concerns over the violation of human rights and the lack of support for the most vulnerable people who have been affected by the country’s mandatory lockdown.

US: HRC Mourns Selena Reyes-Hernandez, Trans Woman Killed in Chicago

HRC is heartbroken to learn of the death of Selena Reyes-Hernandez, a 37-year-old transgender woman shot to death in Chicago on May 31. Her death is believed to be at least the 16th known violent death of a transgender or gender non-conforming person this year in the U.S. HRC has tracked eight such deaths from May 3rd to June 9th, constituting the greatest number of deaths we have recorded in this amount of time.

Poland: Most Poles reject the story of the dangerous LGBT ideology

“Do you agree with the opinion that LGBT is a dangerous ideology?" - we asked Polish people. It turns out that during a homophobic campaign, President Andrzej Duda lost more than he gained. He pushed the young away from him. Also Confederate voters. See the results of the Ipsos survey

Uganda: High Court rules in favor of 19 arrested LGBT youth

The civil division of the High Court, on 17th June 2020, delivered its final ruling in the main application filed by Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) challenging the refusal of by prisons’ authorities to allow the #COSF19 access to their legal representation.

The impact of COVID-19 on Displaced LGBTQI Persons: Policy Report

COVID-19 has emerged as a devastating global pandemic, with over 5 million cases and 330,000 deaths as of June 2020. It is disproportionately affecting those most vulnerable, including LGBTQI Internally Displaced Persons.

UK: LGBT political group anger at trans law 'changes'

We write together as representatives of the LGBT+ Groups of seven political parties represented in Westminster. We stand together in our opposition to any proposal to place unnecessary restrictions on trans people, hindering their ability to live freely and without fear.

Romania: Parliament bans theories of gender identity. Reactions: from "thinking police" to "it's like the Middle Ages"

“When you tell me in an amendment to the Education Law that the identity between biological sex and gender should not be questioned, it means that you did not understand anything at all “

EU: The Polish President’s instrumentalization of LGBTI persons is a cheap attempt at political gain ahead of elections

It is distressing to see the Polish president joining the herd who has endlessly scapegoated LGBTI persons for the sake of holding onto power and galvanizing political support based on hatred.