HIV Health and Wellness

Needs assessment of trans* communities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia during COVID-19 pandemic

When asked to choose three major challenges, survey participants noted decrease in their income and unemployment. 13% reported worsening of their psychological wellbeing. Around the same nymber of people reported challenges connected to healthcare, need for doctors, medical information and fear of hospitals.

COVID19: Impact on LGBTIQ Adolescents and Youth in Southeast Asia, survey

This survey is for LGBTIQ young people living in East and Southeast Asia, and is run by Youth Voices Count, Equal Asia Foundation and Prism Chat in collaboration with UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific.

Iran: How anti-LGBT policies put transgender people at risk

Despite repressive laws against homosexuality, gender reassignment surgery remains legal in Iran. But Iranians who seek sex change operations are faced with a harsh approval process and a high risk of botched surgeries.