HIV Health and Wellness

US: Lambda Legal Sues Trump Administration Over Anti-Transgender Health Care Rule

Today, Lambda Legal and Steptoe & Johnson LLP filed a lawsuit challenging the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently published health care discrimination rule that purports to carve out LGBTQ people and other vulnerable populations from the protections of Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, among other bases.

Uganda: High Court rules in favor of 19 arrested LGBT youth

The civil division of the High Court, on 17th June 2020, delivered its final ruling in the main application filed by Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) challenging the refusal of by prisons’ authorities to allow the #COSF19 access to their legal representation.

The impact of COVID-19 on Displaced LGBTQI Persons: Policy Report

COVID-19 has emerged as a devastating global pandemic, with over 5 million cases and 330,000 deaths as of June 2020. It is disproportionately affecting those most vulnerable, including LGBTQI Internally Displaced Persons.

Remembering human rights activist Yves Yomb

Yves Yomb’s journey to becoming an activist began in his home country, in 2006. At the height of a media campaign targeting gay men and other men who have sex with men, Mr Yomb was a founding member of Alternative Cameroun, one of the first human rights organizations in western and central Africa to advocate for tolerance and social inclusion. “We told ourselves that if we didn’t act, no one would,” he once said.

UNAIDS: Six concrete measures to support women and girls in all their diversity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 is not only a health issue, just as HIV never was. It impacts on a wide range of human rights, and although it affects all people, it does so unequally. Women and girls in all their diversity are experiencing the greatest impact of the crisis.

US: Health Care Advocates Push Back Against Trump’s Erasure of Transgender Rights

Health advocates representing American hospitals, medical groups, insurers and civil rights associations condemned the Trump administration on Saturday for rolling back protections for transgender patients, and for doing so amid a global pandemic.

US: HHS Finalizes Rule on Section 1557 Protecting Civil Rights in Healthcare, Restoring the Rule of Law, and Relieving Americans of Billions in Excessive Costs

“HHS will enforce Section 1557 by returning to the government’s interpretation of sex discrimination according to the plain meaning of the word “sex” as male or female and as determined by biology.  “