World of Politics

Guatemala: Protest against project that criminalizes abortion and gay marriage

Dozens of people protested on Tuesday outside the Guatemalan Congress to reject a law initiative that seeks to tighten the penalties for practicing abortion and put concrete marriage between people of the same sex.

Indonesia: Millions may risk jail as Indonesia to outlaw sex outside marriage

Government, legislature agree new criminal code: Jail terms for sex outside marriage; insulting president. Critics say new code is “extremely regressive”. Advocates say it reflects Indonesia’s religious piety

Indonesia’s new criminal code to allow village heads to report cohabitating couples to police

A major revision to Indonesia’s national criminal code (RKUHP) has been heavily criticized by activists who warn that the bill contains several severely problematic articles, but, rather than removing them, legislators in the House of Representatives (DPR) apparently added even more controversial statutes to the revision before completing their discussions on the bill over the weekend.

UK: Interviews with asylum seekers reveal why the Home Office rejects so many LGBT claims

Those claiming asylum on the basis of their sexual identity are often unable to provide objective evidence of that identity, leaving their claims to rest upon whether or not the decision-maker finds their account credible.