World of Politics

US: Trump Presses for New Justice ‘Without Delay’ as Election-Season Battle Looms

The president is likely to nominate a successor this coming week to Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on Friday, but Senate Republicans are weighing whether they have the votes to confirm his choice before the Nov. 3 election.

Amendments to the Family Code of Russia are discussed in the Kuban parliament

A joint meeting of the committee on science, education, culture and family affairs and the committee on legality, law and order and legal protection of citizens was held in the Kuban parliament. We discussed changes to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the press service of the Krasnodar Territory Legislative Assembly reports.

Barbados: Government Prepared To Recognise Civil Unions For Same-Gender Couples

Government is prepared to recognise a form of civil unions for couples of the same gender, so as to ensure that no human being in Barbados will be discriminated against in the exercise of civil rights, that ought to be theirs.

Belize: Cabinet Will Not Table Equal Opportunities Bill

"The decision was taken to not proceed with the bill at this time, and to withdraw it. While this is Cabinet's position, it views with deep regret the circumstances surrounding the bill being brought before the Cabinet for its approval which is a mere part of the legislative process.”