Dominican Republic: Cardinal uses anti-gay slurs against ambassador

U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin on Tuesday sent a letter to Pope Francis in which he criticizes a Dominican cardinal for using homophobic slurs to describe a gay U.S. ambassador. The Illinois Democrat noted that Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez of the Archdiocese of Santo Domingo has repeatedly called ambassador James “Wally” Brewster derogatory words and spoken against the ambassador's husband.

“The church’s teachings on gay marriage are well known but the church also teaches us to show tolerance for those with different sexual orientations,” says Durbin in his letter. “The intolerant public statements of Cardinal Rodríguez are inconsistent with that clearly stated value.”

Durbin also notes that López and other Dominican religious leaders have organized so-called “Black Monday” protests against Brewster: “Despite these hateful words and personal attacks, Ambassador Brewster has worked to quiet the conflict between church leaders and himself,” writes Durbin. “His patience and professionalism in light of these mean-spirited attacks by the cardinal demonstrate his personal commitment to his responsibility of representing the United States of America.”  Read more via Washington Blade