UK: I would go to my child's gay wedding, vows Archbishop of Canterbury

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has said he would attend the gay wedding of one of his children, despite the Church of England opposing same-sex marriage. In an interview, Archbishop Welby suggested that if one of his five children asked for his blessing for a gay marriage, he would pray with them and attend the ceremony. He also refused to say that a gay relationship was 'sinful or inappropriate', insisting he would 'always love them' whatever their sexuality.

During a parliamentary debate, Archbishop Welby warned the Same-Sex Marriage Act would 'weaken' the the idea of the 'family in its normal sense'. But speaking to Justice Secretary Michael Gove in an interview in The Spectator, he made clear that his relationship with his two sons and three daughters was paramount.

Mr Gove challenged him on the views of some evangelicals and asked if he would tell his child that while he loved them 'their relationship was sinful or inappropriate'. But Archbishop Welby hit back: 'I would say, 'I will always love you, full stop. End of sentence, end of paragraph.' Whatever they say, I will say I always love them.' Read more via DailyMail